CGA Riverbend results-Thursday June 9, 2016
Good evening. The Lord gave us a picture perfect evening for golf. Blue skies, a nice breeze and temps in the 70’s. The outing was enjoyed by 14 players and we played a point system where the high score wins. Here are the scores:
Harry Grose, Larry Wamsley, Lynn Rexroad-29 points
Clay Persinger, Tom Shackleford, Mike Hinkle-25 points
Darrell/Michelle Linger, Bob/Ellnora Withers-21 points
Bob/Betty Heavner, Ezra Richards, Jeff Zickefoose-18 points
Closest to the Pin #9-none
The next outing is this Saturday at Franklin. Please plan to arrive around 9am. The cost is $30 per player payable by cash or check to the CGA. We have 4 teams scheduled to play (16 golfers).
The forecast for Franklin is much better than northcentral WV. There is only a 20% chance of rain at Franklin for Saturday.
Have a great Friday and God bless.