Fwd: CGA Preseason Notes
Garrett <jmichael178@gmail.com>, Mike/Paula Currence <mikecurrence@yahoo.com>, Philip Austin <kc8vro@gmail.com>, Rich Calef <calef_rs@wvwc.edu>, Rob Adams <robsnuka@yahoo.com>, Robert Kincaid <RobertKincaid@frontier.com>, Robert Mills <er1psych@aol.com>, Roger Abel <abel4of12@hotmail.com>, Ron Bentley <ronbentley1212@gmail.com>, Ron Hurst <rhurst@3wlogic.net>, Ron Lamb <lchppr1@hotmail.com>, Ron Shingleton <shybo_54@yahoo.com>, Shane West <swest@tkscontracting.com>, Steve Liptak <Liptakk1940@gmail.com>, Steve Mccartney Jr. <smccartney@frontier.com>, Steve Mccartney Sr. <stevenMcCartney@frontier.com>, Todd Ware <tware1973@yahoo.com>, Tom Shackleford <dlshackleford@frontier.com>, Tom Winstead <christiangolf@ftc-i.net>
Dear CGA members. It is recommended for our members to get the WV Golf Association Card. We are attempting to get as many outings as possible for use with these cards for 2019.