Fwd: CGA Bridge Haven/Nicholas CC results-Friday May 17, 2019
Good evening. Rain early and rain late, but a beautiful day of 36 holes of golf in between. Thanks be to God for the wonderful day and fellowship. Here are the days results:
Bridge Haven (Play your own ball)
Name Gross Handicap Net
Ron Hurst 93 33 60
Bob Kincaid 83 18 65
John Cale 81 15 66
Tom Shackleford 95 27 68
Ron Lamb 83 12 71
Bill Gum 93 21 72
Mike Hinkle 87 15 72
Ron Bentley 98 18 80
Jim Wagner 112 30 82
Charlie Straley 114 30 84
Long Putt #17-Bob Kincaid
Nicholas County CC (Scramble)
John Cale, Tom Shackleford, Bill Gum-66
Mike Hinke, Ron Lamb, Ron Bentley, Ron Hurst-69
Closest to the Pin #4/#13-John Cale
Long Drive #5/#14-Ron Bentley
Our next outing is this Monday May 20th at the Elks GC in Elkins. Please be at course by 2pm so we can start around 2:30p. We will play our own ball for this outing.
The outing at Franklin on Friday May 31st has a deadline to enter of May 23rd. So far we have the following entered: This is a scramble outing.
Mike Hinkle
Bob Kincaid
Charlie Straley
Ron Lamb
Keith Phillips
Ron Bentley
Harry Grose
Jim Wagner
Tom Shackleford
Bill Gum
John Cale
Ron Hurst
If you still want to enter you can at Monday's outing or by email or phone (472-4047).
Have a great weekend.
God bless